Fix QuickBooks Error 105

QuickBooks Error 105 Fix in 5 Steps

QuickBooks users need help with using accounting software. One of these errors that users often face is QuickBooks error 105. Unfortunately, these errors keep popping up on the user’s screen. They are very frustrating as these errors prevent users from performing transactions or updating the transactions in their banking.

QuickBooks Error 105 Fix in 5 Steps

What is QuickBooks Banking Error 105?

QuickBooks Banking Error 105 is an error that restricts access to bank accounts or transactions via QuickBooks. Usually, it occurs when there is a problem on the bank’s side.

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The error code 105 is displayed in QuickBooks Online, and here is the message that is shown:

Unfortunately, QuickBooks Online cannot connect to the bank’s website.

What is the Reason for QuickBooks Error Code 105?

Here are possible reasons for error code 105:

  • The bank or financial institution’s server is not working.
  • You entered an incorrect username or password for the bank’s website into the QuickBooks software.
  • You may have connected to the wrong credit card account and used online banking.

Steps to Troubleshoot Error 105 in QuickBooks

Now that you have learned about error 105 in QuickBooks, you can proceed to implement the steps to resolve the same. 

Resolution #1: Manually Update Bank Information 

You can manually update the bank’s connection. Since some accounts require manual updating, perform the following steps in such a case:

  • Log in to your respective QuickBooks Online.
  • Now select Banking from the left menu bar.
  • If you want to update only some accounts, click the Delete unwanted accounts option.
  • Click Update Now.
  • Add your credentials for multi-factor authentication when a prompt appears. 
  • Click Next to complete the update.

Please note that manual updates are available for 90 days. During this period, all new entries will be downloaded. So, if you need to leave some data behind during the updates, you will still get the latest details afterward, even though you are not connected to your account.

Resolution #2: Check your bank or credit card website

Check whether your bank or credit card’s website is active when faced with QuickBooks error 105. Please follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the respective credit card website.
  • Pay attention to the type of notification prompts or alerts.
  • Now check the account history and transactions pages again.
  • If you cannot check them, there is most likely a connection issue.

Resolution #3: Check the credentials

Verify that you can log in to the bank’s website using the URL you received when banking online. If you cannot connect to your bank, follow the steps below. This will help you fix banking errors 105 in QuickBooks. Often, the inability to connect to your bank is the cause of such errors.

Here you will learn how to connect your specific bank account in QuickBooks Online accounting software:

  • Select the Banking menu. 
  • Click on it.
  • If you are not connected to any bank, search for the financial institution’s name.
  • If you are already connected to the bank, select Add Account on the top right and search for the name of the particular financial institution.
  • Click on the financial institution from the given list.
  • Enter your user ID and password for your financial institution’s website and select Next.
  • If your financial institution requires it, complete the additional security authentication steps and select Secure Connection.
  • Select the bank icon on the left side of the account you want to link.
  • Select the appropriate account type from the drop-down menu to select a bank account. 
  • You must select either a bank account or a credit card account. 
  • If you do not have an account yet, you can Add New to create a new account.
  • When you log in to your account for the first time, QuickBooks will automatically update the 90 days of online transactions.
  • Select Connect and click on it. 
  • It will take a few minutes.
  • Once the download is complete, you will be redirected to the banking page. 
  • On the Verification tab, you will find the transactions downloaded from the respective financial institution that QuickBooks can categorize.
  • Verify and accept.

Resolution #4: Check all account details and prompts

If you can log in without any issues, watch out for a message, warning or notification from your bank. This will state that something is not working as expected. Also, make sure that you can check the account summary, account transactions, and account history without any issues, such as QuickBooks bank error 105.

Resolution #5: Wait for the bank to do something

If it is a server error, you must wait for the bank to do something. Only then can you fix your problem. Wait for a day.


These are the ways to solve QuickBooks error 105. We hope you can now solve this common and annoying QuickBooks problem by yourself. If the problem is not fixed yet, you need to wait for at least 48 hours. This is how much time a bank needs to solve everything. If you still cannot solve this QuickBooks error after that, it’s time for the professionals.

Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQs

How do I update my Bank Information in QuickBooks Online?

To do this, follow the steps below:
In QuickBooks Online
Log in to QuickBooks Online.
Go to Accounting and select Transactions.
Go to Bank Transactions 
Select Update.

How do I check my Bank’s website for errors?

Access your bank or credit card website. If you cannot log in, contact your bank or credit card company to discuss the next steps.
Watch for messages, notifications, or alerts. These should alert you that something is not working.
Check your account pages, account history, and transactions. If you cannot see them, there may be a connection problem.

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